Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Two nights ago I dreamed...

My dad, my brother and I were driving looking for something. The road was long and had a bunch of buildings on it. It was dark. Everything was closed. We turned down an alley and on the backside of these buildings was a hidden town. A gun store, feed store, grocery store, and they all seemed closed too. We saw some cars parked out there and from one of the seemingly deserted buildings we saw some lights flashing and heard muffled music. We decided to go in and see if somebody could direct us to what we were looking for.

Inside was a party of sorts. At first it seemed normal, lights, music, dancing. Then it wasn't. I mean it was still all that but more. There was another door leading out the back that turned into a house and many deviant things were going on in various places of this house. Some were drugs, using and selling, some were sexual, all kinds of acts were being performed in this space. My brother disappeared. And a guy introduced himself to help show us around. In one room it was like a movie theater. Showing sex acts and murder and whatever on the big screen. We wandered through room to room. At some point my dad disappeared as well. I talked to some of the patrons while waiting for my dad and brother to show back up so we could leave.

I had walked outside at some point and there were people on the lawn doing all kinds of things. I also noticed an unmarked car sitting to the side with someone inside. He saw I wasn't a part of this crowd and got out of his car and told me I needed to get out of there because the place was being watched by the police. I told him I couldn't leave yet, I had people inside. He said to hurry, this night was not going to end well.

I went back inside and there was my dad. I tried to get him to leave but he started making inappropriate sexual advances towards me. It was like he had been possessed by something. When I tried to talk to him to tell him to stop and let's go, he said he was never leaving this place. So while I'm still looking for a way out, he is following me and trying to get me to do things. I decided to leave on foot if that's the only way and start heading toward the door. As I'm going he grabs my arm and tries to get me to stay. He says I need to be here. Nobody leaves. Ever. I'm pulling against him and my mom is there.

When I pull harder he knocks me to the ground and has a drill with a long bit and starts drilling through my shoulder to get me to stay. My mom pulls out a chainsaw and slices through his arm. I stand up and he's clearly in pain. The chainsaw didn't cut off his arm but sawed through in it some kind of weird way so that it's still attached the way it's supposed to be only pieces are hanging from it. My mom grabs me and we run outside to see a swat team approaching the house.

I stand frozen in the yard holding my mom's hand with blood pouring from my shoulder. I'm just not sure what to do. The swat team passes by us like they can't even see us and enters the house. From there I heard a lot of yelling and screaming and shooting. It seems the guy from the car approached us, but I'm not sure because I woke up then.

What I remember is dark and blood, lots of blood. Underworld. Hidden. Secret. Seeing what's there but feeling like there was something more I wasn't seeing. Something more going on with me right in the midst and I can't tell what it is. Private. Not full on horror but trepidation about the whole night. Nothing seemed exactly as the way it looked.

Okay! Thoughts, comments, any dream gurus out there?


  1. O.K., the part about Bud and the drill...I get that. I think it is your subconscious still trying to work through your parents loving you but not being totally accepting to the lifestyle or choices that you have made. One of those control things that the Church of God just engrained in all of us as kids. I am sure that if Mom and Daddy had lived, they would have had lots to say about a lot of choices that we all made. Ultimately, you've done what was right for you and it isn't for anyone to understand but for people to just accept.

    The Billy is your recognizing that yousomehow lost (?) your brother and would like to re-establish that relationship?

    All that funky've always been 3 degrees on the other side of regular....I still remember you chopping the hair off my Barbies!! That just might be the macabre things in life that either hold some kind of interest to you? I don't know...I think that truly everyone is always slightly interested in things that they don't understand even if they don't acknowledge it in public. The blood thing is wierd. I hate dreaming about blood. It always frightens me.

    But, what do I know? I play with kids and books all day??

  2. My cousin looked up dreaming about blood and found this quote,

    "Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over. "

    Let's hope that is true! Also I wonder if that's why I've been feeling so good about this upcoming year. Hmmm

  3. okay, gonna see if this makes any sense to you. i could be way off base here, but it wouldn't be the first time.

    first, the house/party. life. things are good on the surface, but there are a lot of "back rooms" in our lives that we don't show to others. its not so much as the drugs/sex/murder as it is the things we don't talk about. the fears, concerns, things that piss us off but we keep to ourselves. everyone has them, but sometimes it seems like there are more back rooms to keep shut up than other times.

    both your brother and father disappeared at some point. could mean you feel like they aren't very supportive to you. that you might not be able to count on them in a real time of need.

    then your dad wanted you to stay, but under his terms. his ideas of how the relationship should be. like his not accepting your life. the shoulder and blood could represnt the stress you feel over this. most people hold their stress in their shoulder. blood can represent stress also, and you definatly need a release.

    your mom and the police...could mean you feel like you need some comforting. could mean you need some downtime. thinking on that line, your father could also represent the responsiblity you feel in your life. father in dreams usually mean being in charge, responsiblity, mother usually means comfort and nurturing.

    so all of this could be pointing to the stress you may under at the moment, and finding a way of relieving it.

  4. Okay, my turn :-). Impressive detail remembered. At first you are with the mean, looking for something. Were you one of the men? Dark, lost, closed empty. When you found the place with people, it was a place of sex and violence, things generally associated with men. You were abandoned there. The undercover officer noticed you, saw the good in you, and warned you. You felt you needed to save those who wandered off, even if it made you unsafe. You felt responsible. I agree with Ash that your father's behavior could be based on how he prefers to see you, as a girl, not seeing YOU. I don't know if your parents are still married to eachother, but your mom immediately tried to help you, even against her mate. She tried, but failed to remove the threat (the arm.) She did help you get to safety though. The swat team is strong and focussed. They didn't notice you or offer any care of comfort, but they did protect you. I wonder where your brother ended up?

  5. All I have to say is, damn, y'all are good! All of that makes a lot of sense and is very insightful. (I, on the other hand, just tend to think, "Wow, that's some weird shit." I'm not very helpful in these situations!)

  6. Wow! All of that is really wonderful and has really touched base with a lot that I am going though in real life at this moment. Thanks guys. Lots to think about!

  7. I have heard that every person in your dream you really a verison of yourself...if nothing else, considering this can make you look at the dream in a different light.

