Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14 June 11 Tuesday - Project House

So, school ended on the 10th of June. I took the weekend and did nothing. Yesterday I started Project House. Now if you know Jeri and I then you know this needs to be done in stages. LOL First stage is cleaning normal stuff (everyday stuff) and putting stuff away, be it a place it needs to go, some body's home (that is not mine), or trash. With all that 'stuff' in the previous sentence I feel like I'm in a Snapple commercial. lol "Healthy green tea, tasty black tea."

Anyway, laundry is almost done. I will probably finish tomorrow. The floors are all swept and kept swept. We have hardwood so it needs sweeping all the time. Various items have found their home and some have found their way to the street for trash. The vents for various wall units have all been cleaned. The couches were vacuumed and luggage put away. Well I'm sure you don't want to hear all the nasty details, but you get the picture.

Now there is something I knew about my wife but I really get to realize it first hand as I'm cleaning. If she puts something down upon entry to the house, then that is where that thing will live forever more, or until I move it. Also she has a most irritating habit of leaving, um, say, mail that is meant to be thrown away, on the counter. Okay for the most part but I would like to say, on the counter RIGHT NEXT to the garbage can. I asked her one day why she couldn't make it the next step or two that it would take to actually put that mail in the garbage can. We laughed about it although I've yet to hear a really good explanation. Funny what quirks we pick up with each other after having lived together for 17 years.

Our house also needs repairs. That falls under huge projects and we'll get to them as the money just rolls on in, because you know we're drowning in it, money that is. Ahhahahahahaha Sorry I had to take a moment.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I realized I could sit on the couch for the whole summer and not do a thing, but that is not how I choose to live my life. I was wondering what I could do for 2 months off. Of course I'll visit mom and others, but in between the visits-what to do? Jeri said she would be more than happy to supply me with a daily list. lol At that thought I started making my own list of how to stay busy during my summer.

Now, where's the pool! :{D


  1. Good job! I find clearing things out makes me really anxious at first... so I break it down to smaller projects like ok.. I'll clean off my desk.. and I make piles and pull the garbage can close... and go at it... then I'll organize the bills etc. I do it biweekly usually the day after I get paid.. so it stays bearable. But I also take the same concept and apply it to the rest of the house... and when your able to minimalize (I know that's not an actual word.. but just go with it ) and organize it.. you'd be amazed at the stress relief you will find.

  2. dammit... bimonthly ..i wish i got paid biweekly though!

