Friday, February 12, 2010

Losing It

Okay, so I've really been losing it lately. Really. I've been losing it on lots of things. Let's see now...ever since my bad no-coke migraine, I've been upping my intake of it again. Yay, no headaches. But, you say, can't that stuff clean your car battery? Yeah, I know. So I'm going to have to back off it again. I've already warned princess what was coming.

Let's see, what else? hmmmm Other drivers! OMG, if you can't actually move your car forward, can you at least pull over to the side of the road so the rest of us can continue to our destination? You know, if only you would utilize that little lever on the left of your steering wheel then everybody can know what you're doing. It takes the guess work out of it for us. Not everybody likes surprises. There really isn't a true need to stop 3 car lengths away from the other car at that light! If you would pull up one more second of a length I could turn right! And please for the love of god DO NOT get in the fastest lane possible and drive under the speed limit!!!


There's more. Snow! I've had fun. Lots of it actually, but really, you need to stop now. I'm good if 'ol Mr. Weather does not want to snow anymore this season. Not only is it affecting me and princess but our animals as well. The dogs have decided that no really, it is okay for them to potty inside. Outside is just too cold. And the cats! Well the cats have just lost their damn minds. Every night has been like an elf snuck in and threw cat nip all over the house right before we get home from work. So that while sitting on the couch, all of a sudden you could have two cats flying over your shoulder and inadvertently using you as a springboard.

And then there's...yes I'm going to say it, Re-pub-li-cans! There have been many political discussions going on in my house lately and every one of them have ended up with me shaking my head, waving my hands wildly in the air, and almost screaming, I just don't understand! What the hell is wrong with them! Now I'm not talking about normal, thinking repubs, if there are any. I mean, there are some, right? I'm talking about the nonsensical, no basis for their statements, redirecting any question asked of them, down right making shit up Republicans. Yeah, those guys. You know who I'm talking about. They are everywhere of late. And frankly I've heard some of the most humorous-in-their-idiocy quotes lately. Comedy Central will not want for material as long as this keeps up, and it seems it will keep up as long as Obama is in office.

Now please understand, I have always been one to look at every statement, every candidate, every forum on its own terms. I've always tried to be very bi-partisan in my thinking towards politics. I don't think you should vote for somebody just because that person is Dem or Rep. I think you should vote your conscious. Having just said that...pause lol...WHAT THE HELL!!!

Here I feel like I should say more but I just don't know what to say. I know not all Republicans think the way of the ones that are the most vocal, but they are really just saying some crazy shit. DADT, gay marriage, global warming, and Palin for 2012. What?! I actually heard some lady (don't know her name) argue with Ron Regan Jr. and in a fit of anger tell him that he did not know or have ever even met Ronald, his dad. This is the kind of craziness I'm talking about. Ridiculous.

And then there is this project that princess has to do for school. Oh. My. God! Before I go off the deep end let me say, she is having problems with figuring out how to do what she has to do. I know she has been trying really hard. I know she has not put it off or anything like that. But knowing this does not change my good lord could you finish this already attitude. I am so frustrated about this project and it's not even mine. How crazy is that? lol I really wish I could give her the magic answer but, sigh, I will just keep waiting for this to end.

I will get myself together. I mean the Olympics are starting and I love the Olympics! That will give me a break.


  1. one of the ways you can ease off the coke in spite of headaches is get your caffiene through excedrine, or even simply caffiene pills. Then your still changing your habit- not reaching for the soda, but still getting your chemical need met. Sort of like a nicoteen patch for caffiene addiction. Then, start splitting the pills. Then take just a pill a day, and so on. Thats how I got to the point I was caffiene free- including no chocolate- for almost 3 years. hope that helps.

  2. After reading that post I was going to suggest a nice cup of green tea cousin in the afternoon staring out of a window and some lovely blowing trees might also help with the OH.MY.GOD moments!

    Winter sucks...I always get the blues and blow things way out of proportion when I am stuck inside and it's gloomy.

    Now share this with Princess for me need to be RESTRICTED from watching the news! Mike goes monkey crazy about politics until I am ready to run myself over with a lawn mower. You may need a "time out" from the idiots on TV for just a little smidge of time. Mike can go almost 2 days without fussing about the loonies on TV; until he sees Palin and then it starts all over again! Good luck.

  3. The problem is that the idiots are not just on TV, they're on the internet. And surely you're not suggesting a break from the internet, because talk about an OH.MY.GOD moment! Oh, wait...the web junkie is me. Lee, on the other hand, could probably handle a break from the internet. ;-)

  4. I could handle a break from the internet much better than you could. :) And strangly enough I've been thinking a break from the tv as well would be good, but I dont' think I could handle that. lol Isn't it weird that you might want to stop doing something but think oh hell no I can't/won't do that??? Something else to think about...great! Exactly what I need. LOL

