Friday, July 23, 2010
Fri 23 July 10
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wed 21 July 10
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sun 18 July 10
I’m at work again. I hate this post. It’s so very boring. Cleaning guys are here but they don’t offer any entertainment. However they are working on the floors so I can’t make rounds because I have to stay off the floors. Fine by me!
I was having another crazy dream but Princess came in to make sure I was awake for work and it all flew out of my head before I could fully remember it. Oh well. Maybe it will come back as the day goes on, since I really have nothing else to do. I can’t get internet here so I can’t even use this time on that.
Rambling, sorry, I just really don’t want to be here today. And I think I will have to do this post next weekend also. UGH! Although Princess reminded me it is Bele Chere here in fair Asheville. So do I say I’m busy I can’t work or do I get the money??? Hmmmmm Let’s see, need the money but its Bele Chere. I’m gonna have to think on this one. Or maybe the guy who is supposed to be here will stop calling out and he can work his own post and then my decision is made.
I thought of something else about our cruise. Like I said at some point I hurt my leg, pulled a muscle or something I don’t know, but it was hurting really badly so I went to the infirmary so they could wrap it. After doing so the nurse (who kinda scared me a little) said I should not leave the cabin. I should fully rest the leg and only hobble to the bathroom. Um, I am on a cruise, this is the last day, I’m not fixing to spend it in my room. The only way she would give me a pass is if I stayed in a wheelchair and didn’t walk. UGH!
I can only say now I know for a fact that I have to stay fit and healthy. Princess about killed half the people on the ship by her lack of driving a wheelchair skills. Might I say she even ran over a poor little girl’s foot and then, in front of her dad, said, “If it makes you feel any better I ran over my own foot earlier”. Which she did but I highly doubt it made the little girl, or the dad for that matter, feel any better at all. LOL She ran me into walls, door jams, and like I said people. She would also pull up somewhere and just let me roll to a stop so I got rammed into tables or whatnot. She almost dumped me out one time. It was like anytime she started to push me she was all of a sudden in some kind of race that nobody else knew about. She had to go as fast as possible and plow down whoever got in the way. Old ladies and small children were at peril! LOL So as embarrassing as it was to be in the damned chair it was made even worse with Princess at the helm. God, I love her!
Funny but very true story. I could not make this up.
Sat 17 July 10
I realized the other day that I haven’t written anything in forever, so here I am. A lot has happened and I’m not sure where to begin. I had a birthday. Our youngest son had a birthday. Princess lost her job the first of June and still doesn’t have another one, which is kinda okay with me. I like her at home. But, we need money, so until I can make enough where she doesn’t have to work then, eh, ya know, work it is.
I’ll be starting school in a few weeks. Yay! Glad to finally be getting underway with that. But it also means I’ll have the equivalent of two full time jobs. Just one of them I won’t be getting paid for…yet! Lol And we just got back from a cruise! It wasn’t long enough but we had a blast all the same. It was a family cruise on Princess’ side. I got to spend some time with some of her cousins we don’t normally see and they are something else! I loved getting to know them. Lots and lots of fun!
We spent one day in Cozumel. Love that place. Of course we had to spend the morning shopping. I thought Princess was going to have a nervous breakdown trying to keep everybody together. But it all worked out. I passed the shopping hours with free Tequila shots. No really, it does help. Especially when you’d rather be at the beach already! Later we went to Playa Uvas. It is a great way to spend the day in Cozumel. For a price you get all you can drink, snorkeling, some food, messages, pool and ocean, and all you can drink. Did I say that already? And when I say all you can drink I mean I don’t think I had an empty glass. At some point I pulled a muscle in my leg and it was killing me by the time we got to Playa Uvas so I did not snorkel this time. Very disappointing! But Princess got some good pictures. If I learn how to put pictures up on here I might even post some.
So, it’s Saturday and I’m at work. Sigh. I am thankful for the extra money. I am thankful for the extra money. I am thankful…well, you get the idea. I will be thankful when I can make good money without all the extra work! Hence school. I am just going to look at it as every extra hour I work is an extra dollar for another cruise. I’d rather do that than think about what bills need to be paid. Lol Thankfully my job is not hard, but I do have to work at not being bored. I hate to be bored, it just seems to make the hours longer. Oh well, I’m not complaining. It’s easy money. And everything is overtime. But as I sit here I think of everything that needs to be done at the house. LOL
Speaking of house, it’s coming along. We got my office cleaned out and Princess’ office set up to her liking. There is still so much to do but we’re getting there. Maybe I should use the extra money for house repairs, but it always never seems to be enough. Why are house repairs so danged expensive?
I guess I’ve rambled enough. I’ll try to do much better about writing. It seems I have so much to say when it’s in my head. It’s the getting it to paper part that’s the problem. Lol I could write more on my dreams. God knows I’ve had some doozys lately. OH! And one more thing, I had to have my suit pants taken in at the waist…7 inches! Yay! And I can wear 2x shirts now instead of 3x. I would like to do more between now and Dec than I did from Jan to July. So, raise ‘em up. Here’s to the 2nd half of the year and losing it!